Well this could get interesting!
1.5″ or 1.25″? Speak now for those that might be interested
Ok, stainless and bronze or stainless and copper?
Maybe both… I will make some of each
Yup, bronze looks real nice 😉
I will put the same pattern on the other side but switch directions so it looks right while spinning
Copper anyone?
This one will be a trip to watch spin.
I am up! Eating my yogurt and then I head in to finish this one up. I finished the second end of the first one but I rushed and the orientation of the “turbine” or “juicer” is off. Otherwise it is perfect. Looks good though! Pics in about an hour or so
Almost stem time 😀
Copper over brass?
I don’t have any copper for the stem. I got a little to excited here 😞
Trouble in paradise but I think I got it figured out
Ever so slight wobble due to the machine being off slightly. New employee smucked it a little this week. All junk! Starting over 😀
1st piece of generation 2 almost done. If it ain’t perfect, I quit for today lol
Success😀 it is going to take a while to get them done but I will have pics tonight!
Made a few changes that really brought out the finish!
1st operation stem pic. This was a junk piece but wanted to give you all an idea of what it will look like. It will be finished on the end to look all pretty 😀
Any bronze guys want a brass stem instead of stainless steel? Speak now!
If anyone want a left hander, now is the time to let me know 😀
Two more collars then on to the stems…again lol
Boom, no wobble. Looks awesome 😀
This might be the best looking top while spinning I have made yet
All three variations before finishing the back of the stem
Getting there
Took long enough lol
It’s a cookie, no it’s a juicer lol a guy has to get his inspiration from somewhere!
Ok, message me if you are interested. Right now I have all three variations available. $125 plus $5 domestic and $12 international shipping. Bronze over SS, Copper over Brass and Copper over SS. All have a 1/4″ ceramic ball.
Well those are sold out. I never make a design twice so everything is limited edition other than my kickstarter stuff. If I post up a design you like in the future but don’t have the funds just message me. I have no problem working with people as this is such a great group and I am not worried.
My schedule is crazy now. I am trying to launch another kickstarter early next week so I am thinking it will be maybe two months before I make another top