UPDATE: We “should” have all the Infected Specimens done tonight. Tomorrow when I come in I will start on the Moon glow and mokume version. We will be using the SUS.com website to sell these. I plan to use this a lot more in the future due to some issues I have had doing it here. Might be towards the end of the day tomorrow or else Friday for sure. No clue ho many at this point but will probably be around 10 of each variation. I will also be making two moon glow/timascus tops. One goes to Jim Skelton and the other gets auctioned off here in the group.
Once done with that, I immediately start on the Indiegogo project. There is a slight hiccup with the spin bases so they might be out of the campaign but I am doing everything in my power to get them in time. I will try to launch this 8/23 but that could easily change.
Last year, I was looking at Vector art. I saw something that I thought would look cool in a top. I changed the design to make it my own and CNC friendly. Once completed I needed a name for the top. I showed it to the group and we all tossed around ideas. Then I remembered a part in one of my favorite movies and it hit me. The Kraken.
This time around, I am going to make the top based off of the Kraken (from the movie). There is a huge difference here in inspiration. The top will be completely different but you will see it will have similar “genes”. My #1 goal is to protect the value of the original Kraken. Hence the name K2. It is NOT called Kraken 2. It is called K2. It will look completely different. In my opinion, this will actually raise the value of the original.
This will be a short campaign (14 days) and we will have started production WAY before launch so shipping will be much quicker than the Navigator. We might even have them all made by the time the campaign is over depending on how many we have to make.
Sorry this was so long, I would love to hear your opinions.
WOW, starting the page for the Indiegogo and we are at 27 different perks (material combo’s) for the K2 and have not done any damascus. I am guessing we will be around 45 total. You all going to be able to handle that many choices?
Waiting, I hate it. Just want to get out there and design that K2! Come on bro, get this project done so we can have some fun!! Feel the anxiety and excitement brewing. The question is, can I do the original design justice. Can I make something unique yet have enough ties to the original to earn the name? The answers to these questions and more, after these messages…
Well stem is today and we are putting in the tooling now. I have an idea for this stem that will be a real pain but should look pretty cool if it turns out like it looks in my mind. Wish me luck!
WOW, this stem gave me fits. Still not done but getting close. I doubt I will show many progress pics but this is where I left off. I will get it done tomorrow and move on to the other operations! Have a great night all!
think, water, throat, teeth and being eaten by the Kraken I guess lol
when it spins, you can see right through the center of the stem.
IMPORTANT: I am considering using carbide balls for the K2. I want you to vote. I will NOT use both carbide and ceramic. Been there, done that and never again. Anyways, I love carbide and have had good luck with it. Carbide is not quite as hard but a lot tougher. I have no evidence as to which will be better but I know there are a lot of BilletSPINS in the world with carbide. If you have one, please let me know what you think. The rest of you please vote on which you would prefer. Cosmetically they will look a little different and I prefer the look of carbide over ceramic on most tops. Price is a tiny bit more for carbide.
No, Rubies will not be an option. I just broke one in a very special top so my hatred for them is at an all time high. It broke in use, not in assembly.
Curious, are you all interested to hear updates on how to create a Indiegogo campaign? It can be boring and is a lot of work but I can share the experience with you all if you like.
K2 Indiegogo Project Official Update #1:
The biggest difference between Indiegogo and Kickstarter is the Indiegogo lets you pledge for as many perks as you want. Kickstarter lets you pledge for one and then you choose add-ons. This project will have a ton of different options so Indiegogo seems like the better option. I could go on for a long time about all the options inside each venue but will just say we are going with Indiegogo.
For us, I need three other people:
1) Videographer
2) Graphic Designer
3) Proof reader/writer
It just so happens I know three people who are great friends and do a great job. 1 and 2 have been with me since the beginning and half the fun is hanging out with them creating the project!
I have contacted the team and told them the plans, goal and theme. Met with Jason the videographer and gave him some ideas but in reality he is so much more creative with videos than I will ever be I just set him lose. He has since emailed me some ideas and I picked my favorite.
Rough draft is up on Indiegogo. There is a link I can send the team. They look at it and Emily, my writer, takes my garbled mess of a project and re-writes it into something amazing.
Katie is the graphic designer and responsible for the Navigator logo. She is already working on the logo for the K2.
Once the prototypes are done (hopefully this week) the real fun begins. Stay tuned for the next update!
K2 Indiegogo Project Official Update #2:
We decided to go with carbide bearing balls for the contact points. People seem to have the idea that hardness=durability so they are worried. Materials that are the same hardness can wear at completely different rates. For example bronze is amazing in bushings because of abrasion resistance. I have a gut feeling that carbide might be a superior contact point but only time will tell. I am very confident it will be as good as Ceramic so I have little worries about this decision.
We made the stems for some of the variations yesterday. Machine is being switched over to make some inner discs. Plan is to have a completed top by the end of the day tomorrow. Hope that happens but I will not sign off until I am 100% satisfied and sometimes that takes a lot longer than expected.
Katie sent me some sketched for the logo and she is onto something really cool. Not there yet but it is a process.
I will not be posting any pictures of the inner disc as it will not look like much by itself. I dont want people to be disappointed which happens in progress pics. Some people just have to see the completed design to get excited. So that’s about it for today. Busy busy designing. Wish me luck. The idea I have for the inner disc should work. I cannot imagine having issues as I put a ton of thought into it over the last 6 months lol.
Have a great day all!
I know I said I was not going to do this but I am sooooo pleased with how this turned out. The burrs actually help with the effect so I will leave them on. Just love this. Inner disc Kraken throat!
Fist op of out collar up next. My thought will be to no go through to the inner disc on this one. More like the trident outer collar but totally different design. The big fangs come after that!
I also think the stem and inner disc are a perfect match for each other
I just hop the outer collar lives up to the inner disc and stem!
Got it! Been battling about the outer collar design in my head all day. But it came to me and I know it will look really good. I am out of time though for today. I am going to try to not post anymore pics until the release is closer. I will still keep you posted though! So far so good. Really really happy with the results. I get a kick out of a few of the comments. They are identical to the ones I heard about the original Kraken. Trust me, once the stem is in there you have nothing to be scared of…until you are sleeping.
Have a great night all and thanks again for the well wishes. Tough afternoon but it helped 🙂
No problem. In this post I am talking about the pattern on the outside diamteter, not the fangs I posted earlier. The fangs are perfect imo and will not be changed. I am sure this idea will work and will be different from any other top I have done which is saying something because that is such a small area to work with.
Stem has 5 cuts so it has 15 fangs. Just wait until you see the final top…
Ok all, Kevin Duffey talked me into showing you one pic. Give that man a thank you 🙂 I put my heart and soul into this one. I really hope you like it!
You cant get to the spikes unless you got baby fingers. I got that a lot back in the sharknado/Kraken days.
it is very very strong. I made a lot of variations that were a lot thinner and could not bend them. You could abuse the heck out of it with no issues. Lets put it this way, compared to the fins on the Sharknado, this stem is WAYYYYYY stronger.
The outside diameter has round dimples and in the center are slots that go through so you can see the inner disc. They were made to look just like the Kraken’s eyes. There are other details I will save for the video but just wanted to share that!
Well that’s not good…
Check out the stem… 😛 Dang I am going to spoil all the surprises.
Well since I love this design so much, I am toying with the idea of using the outer collar/inner disc as a top base like I did with the Classic. They would still be pricey. Thoughts? They would be sharp and dangerous without the stem lol. I love that personally but some of you may not. You would want to keep kids far away from this.
I would dress it up a bit more and round the points just a touch
K2 Indiegogo Project Official Update #3:
Well we are off! Dialing in all the programs now. Running stems for another 30 minutes and then going onto the inner discs. We are just running enough for pictures and the video. I will update the group with a few of the material combos today hopefully. I got a brand new type of damascus in just for this top. I think I have enough timascus left for one but dont worry, I will have a lot more for the campaign. Half of the spin bases are due in today! We will need those for the video. Jason is coming on monday for filming.
Katie is getting the logo dialed in and it looks awesome. Emily will start proof reading next week. As I get pictures, I will add them to the page which really helps to get the page to come together. By the end of next week, we should have a lot of it done.
The plan is to begin production as soon as the prototypes are done. This way we can have a ton made by the time the campaign is over and we can start shipping immediately after. I am very pleased with the reception the K2 has gotten. I think we might have a winner but we won’t know for sure until it launches.
For those not familiar with www.indiegogo.com, you might want to go and take a look. Get familiar with it now so you know what to do when it launches. We will also have an complete ordering instruction post when it get closer! Have a great day all! -Rich-
Well full disclosure here! I am running the combos now for pictures. We have a HUGE problem. I was going to use the exotic materials for the inner disc. I have an enormous amount of exotics in that size. Well do to the amount of machining in the inner disc on the stem side, you cant even tell hardly that it is exotic. So that means I have to order more material in a larger size and that will take a very long time to get in. I will have contact the team. Not sure how I will proceed but I want this project to be right. I cannot believe I did not realize this sooner. My brain can only do one thing at a time and I just totally spaced on this. I could puke
IMPORTANT UPDATE: I screwed up. Big time. Long story short, I got the wrong size exotic materials for the K2. I just got ordered the correct stuff but it will take a while to get it all in. Due to that, we are going to postpone the release of the K2. I am thinking it will now be end of September. I am so sorry for this. 100% my fault. I hope this did not mess up your plans.
In the mean time, I have the next design almost ready. I am going to release that in a week or two. It will be a very long spinning tungsten. I got a ton of tungsten and copper tungsten. I am going to get it going next week and will have pics up for it as soon as I can. It will be two piece and will have the famous donut shape. I think you all will like the stem too 🙂Should be around $140 plus shipping.
Once again, I am so sorry for this delay. I just want the project to be right. Please help me keep this at the top of the group so everyone can see it. Have an awesome weekend! -Rich-
This is all I got, have a good one all 🙂
Bed time. Big day tomorrow. Finish up the prototypes by noon and then Jason will be here for filming the Indiegogo video. Tuesday we begin the creation of the long spinning Tungsten donut. Just wait until you see the stem on that one!! Have a great night all! -Rich-
K2 design has been changed and I am officially signing off on the design. We are running all the material variations for the Indiegogo video. We should start on the long spinner tomorrow! Hoping to have it available early next week.
I have shown the new version to a few people and all have 100% loved the changes 🙂 TO me they are big changes, to a non-machinist they are little tweaks. So no worries, it will be almost identical to what you saw pictures of, just a little bit better!
I wont post any pics of it until we get closer. No point in getting people excited now 😛
Need help, can somebody post a video of you blowing smoke on a top? I know a lot of you guys vape. Thinking of using the effect in the Indiegogo video. Sooner the better!
We are done filming! Long day and I cant wait to see what Jason does with it all. Got a cool smoke shot! Anyways, thanks again for the video’s. Really appreciate it! Have a great night!
nothing is done yet, stem is totally different. lots and lots of tweaks to make
Surprise on Etsy if anyone is interested…
K2 Stem – Stainless Steel – Proto
We got time. Lets do a scavenger hunt. This will be for a SS/Br/SS K2!!!
Three rounds. Winners of each round move onto the next.
1st 8 people to reply to this post with a selfie holding a top with a complete stranger while the stranger gives a thumbs up will move onto round two. No photoshop allowed. On your honor about them being strangers. Top must be a BilletSPIN.
Daniel Mahaffey
Sam Tarrel
Dylan Hostetler
James Graff
Matt Rosetti
Santos Cordon Jr.
Andy Philip Morgan
Chris Drakely
Round two, just for the people mentioned above. 1st four to post a selfie holding a BilletSPIN top between your index finger and thumb in your right hand while drinking a Mountain Dew from can or bottle will move onto round three. GO
Congrats to round two winners:
Andy Philip Morgan
Santos Cordon Jr.
Chris Drakely
James Graff
Final round. Only one winner. 1st to post a selfie holding a BilletSPIN top in front of a mirror, in the mirror’s reflection must be a water tower or a cell phone tower or a lady holding a purse. NO PHOTOSHOP. Once the winner is announced, they have to post to the group with the story of how they managed to get the pics to win this contest! Good luck!
Congrats to Santos Cordon Jr.!
Scavenger hunt for a SS/Cu/SS K2!! This will be 4 rounds. Winners of each round moves onto the next.
1st round, we will take the first ten winners.
First ten people to reply with a selfie hugging a tree with a red hat/cap on will move onto round two!
Eli Michael Cook
David Anthony Young
Aries Hughey
Alex Gueco
Michael Wylie
Santos Cordon Jr.
Tim Trantow
Keith Edward Wickersham
Shawn Patrick Haywood
Marc Osgood
Round two! First 6 to post a selfie with any type of FRUIT melon 😉 Will move onto round 3! GOOOOOOOOOOOO
Eli Michael Cook
David Anthony Young
Aries Hughey
Michael Wylie
Shawn Patrick Haywood
Marc Osgood
Round three!! 1st three to get a picture taken of themselves giving the double thumbs up while putting gas in a vehicle will move onto the FINAL ROUND!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Aries Hughey
Eli Michael Cook
David Anthony Young
Final round. 1st person to get a selfie taken with the cashier at Starbucks giving you your iced coffee will win the K2 baby!! Good luck!!
Congrats man
Over, congrats to David Anthony Young!!
Thank you all for playing!!
David please type up a summary for the group to read! Amazing skillz bro
Pssssssst, check this out…
K2 Indiegogo Project Official Update #4:
Things are moving right along. I got about 10 hours into putting the page together. Jason sent me a progress video and it is nothign short of amazing. I think you all will really enjoy the final cut. It is high intensity like the last two which is how I roll lol.
All standard prototypes are done and pictures taken. Katie made a really cool chart with the pictures. Each combo is labeled with the perk # so purchasing will be super easy. Pick the combo you like, look at the perk # then go to that perk and buy it! We will need that for 50 some perks!
Timascus is in and we will have a very good number of these. Damascus samples are here and we have to etch them. Mokume will be here in just less than two weeks. I tried to get SC in but cant in that size so that stinks. Looks like Timascus, Mokume and damscus for the exotic collars. We still have mokume, Tungsten and Tungsten copper for the inner disc exotics. Stem materials will be SS/Cu/Bronze and Titanium.
I made a big mistake! Long story but we will be using ceramic bearing balls for the K2! I know I said I was going to use carbide but we made a bunch of the standards and I spaced out and put in ceramic. So I am not going to change it now. Spin times are good and Santos got over 10 on his already! Tungsten inners will go even longer.
So now we wait for the exotic materials. By then the machines will be done with the Infinity top and we will get the prototypes ready for pictures. We will have to make a chart like the one for the standards and then one for the spin stations. Fingers crossed we launch on 9/12. It will all depend on when I get the mokume and damascus in. That’s all I got for now!! Have a wonderful day
Timascus/exotic will be $400. I am getting the prices on that right now so it might change but I doubt it. These materials are crazy expensive but I will do the best I can
K2 guess the funding contest!! Like the Navigator, guess what the total funding will be. Closest win a free K2 of my choice. It will be on Indiegogo for 15 days and there will be spin bases as well. One guess per person NO EDITING. Keep this to guesses only. Mods, delete anything other than a guess. Good luck!
Infinity tops “Should” be all done tomorrow. These Ti stems and W collars just suck to machine. We got the system down but it is a slow process. Still will beat the two week lead time but I was hoping to have them all shipped by now. Thanks for your patience as always!
K2 video is done and YOWZA Jason Vincent knocked it out of the park. I will try to talk him into making a teaser video to show you all. Mokume is on the way and we are looking good on the K2. I should have a release date this week for sure. Could be as soon as two weeks from today. I like launching on a Tuesday but we will see how it goes!
Santos Cordon Jr. [Not from BilletSPIN but so awesome so I had to share]Â
If you missed the video, here it is again.
K2 Indiegogo Project Official Update #5
Well we are cruising now. My mokume should be here today or tomorrow. We have run the majority of the timascus collars and they just need cleaning and flaming. I had to run them because they are difficult to machine and I want to make sure I Have enough good ones to meet what I make available. I have enough damascus for the prototype pics. We will have some outer collars made and etched today. Infinity should wrap up at the end of the day and we will be going right on the stems for the K2. The stems and inner disc run on the same machine which will be a bit of a pain.
Heading up to a detailing company to get a few different photo backgrounds for the main picture. One of my friends in the group will do some photo stacking as it will have a good bit of depth and I want it to be in focus.
Jason Vincent has the video done and it is amazing. Katie Carder made a cool logo and all she has left to do it label the exotics once I get them made and photographed. Once all the pictures have been taken (hoping this week) I will finish the text on the page and Emily Conrad will make it into something you can understand. She is a very gifted writer!
Things are moving. I am thinking at this point we will launch no later than 9/13/16.
Not sure if I stated this before but all tops will have free shipping. This will eliminate the need for an email like we did for the navigator. Just order what you want, as many as you want. I will be able to look at the project at anytime and know exactly how many I need to make. This will keep things moving on our end and expedite the shipping lead time.
Spin bases will have shipping cost as they are so heavy. I will be getting the rest of my order in early next week and will sell all that I have on Indiegogo. So far the reception to them is more than I ever could have imagined so there is a good chance I will continue to get more of these and give you more variations and add-ons later this year.
That about covers it. The next update will have the exact launch date and we should be able to start the countdown timer then. SO far it is going pretty typical of a crown funding campaign. Decent amount of unforeseen and costly issues, ton of work but hopefully it will all be worth it! Have a great day 🙂 -Rich-
Whew! Been exhausting lately! Got a little time today. Mokume just showed up so we are making the prototypes for pictures. In the mean time I just wanted to check in and see how yooze all are doing? Any big plans for the weekend? We got a golf scramble we always do with the guys I play with. Just me and my buddy against a good friend and his son. Rubber match this year so wish us luck!
So what’s going on with you?!
Here is what I can tell you, twist/SS/SS and Basketweave/SS/SS (Damascus) look the most menacing. Timascus outer is insane. Flamed W inner will be the biggest seller and we have a bunch. Mokume is the classiest and I have variations with a Mokume collar and others with a Mokume inner disc. They are stunning. This is the first top where Spirograph Sammy is my least favorite of the three
You all came up with some great ideas on material combos but unfortunately I don’t have most of those in the right sizes.
For grins though I will show you a one of a kind combo I made for a good friend that made one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. No, I will not make more and this is not for sale and I will not tell you who it is for 🙂
Timascus/Mokuti/Ti with Ruby ball
Indiegogo K2 will launch on the 15th of this month. Appreciate your votes. Let’s make this project one for the books. Here is what I got for materials. I will pick at least one combo you all suggest, maybe more. Reply with what you would like to see from the materials given. All other entries will be deleted.
Outer collar- SS/Cu/Br/Brass/Spiro dammy/Basketweave dammy/twist dammy/2 and 3 color Mokume/ Timascus
Inner disc- SS/Cu/Br/Brass/3 color Mokume/same three dammy patterns as the outer collar/tungsten/copper tungsten
Stem- SS/Cu/Br/Brass/Titanium
One entry per person
I will hopefully have all the combos made tomorrow. I will start on pictures then and will make an official post and an update to the Navigator project. That will allow the non FB people to know what is going on. Looking forward to getting this wrapped up and ready to go!
Looking like 25 exotic combo’s and 15 standards. Getting them dialed in, so far so good
K2 video, hope you enjoy! Be sure to watch in HD to see the exotics pop!
Progress photo
Since you have seen this one already…
Since they are not limited, I have no issue showing you these.
I am going to sign out of the group for a few days. Stress level is through the roof as I am way behind on getting the IGG project done and ready and have all sorts of issues with the house. Need a break and time to get things on track. Love you all and hope you have and amazing rest of your week and weekend! Big week next week an I hope your ready 🙂
Exotics. Price range from $220-$400. This is it, no surprises and no changes. All will be available at at launch and when they are sold out, they are gone.
K2 Indiegogo project update #1
Fully Funded in 10 seconds!
That has to be a record! THANK YOU, this is a surreal moment for us and it is all thanks to you. Here is a video update for you. Hope you enjoy!
WOW, $370,000!!!! THANK YOU all for your tremendous support. Amazing 🙂 Well lets post an update to fill you in on all the latest news regarding the K2. As you can see from the pictures below, we are well underway in making all the tops. This will be a long update but please read it for a chance to win a free one of a kind K2!
Here are the answers to a few of the common question we have received:
-Shipping will begin after campaign is ended; order fulfillment date is 11/2016.
-If you entered the incorrect address, you will need to change it. Here are the instructions: https://support.indiegogo.com/…/212528078-How…
-If you want to swap perks, you need to cancel your original order and place a new one. Here are the instructions to cancel: https://support.indiegogo.com/…/526876-Refund…
-There is NO guarantee to combine or split up shipments.
IMPORTANT: This is your one and only chance to get a K2! Once that countdown on the campaign ends, that is it. These will not be offered after that so get all your orders in this week! We have 5 days left!!
Free Giveaway! IF we can get to $400,000 I will giveaway three one of a kind K2’s. Here is how this will work, we have a list of all the orders. Each purchase is one entry into the Giveaway. We will do a random number drawing once the campaign ends and whoever’s order # is picked will receive one of the tops. Each one will come with a certificate of authenticity. This only happens if we hit $400,000 though so tell your friends!!
Here are some pics of our progress. Hope you enjoy them!
I am getting a lot of questions about the quantities for some of the perks. The fault is on Indiegogo’s end and they have been trying to fix it for a few days. The numbers on the sold out perks are not correct so no worries, nobody was able to buy sold out perks. The reason perk #40 and a few others showed as over sold the first day was because people were placing orders at the exact same time and Indiegogo could not keep up. Any changes after that is due to this glitch. Everything is fine so no worries!
Perk #27 shows sold out due to the glitch. It is not sold out. Because Indiegogo has not got this fixed yet, I am going to open up another perk #27 as a featured perk with the quantity remaining. These will probably go fast. This will happen at noon central time today (9/29). I apologize for any inconvenience and hope this rectifies the issue as best as possible. Thanks again for the amazing support.
We are running low on time so make sure to get all your orders in!! Have a wonderful day,
How about K2 just got fit for dentures?
What a ride!! Thank you once again for the amazing support!!! We will begin shipping next week!! For those of you new to BilletSPIN, be sure to check out the BilletSPIN Facebook group and our website: Www.billetspin.com
K2 shipping information! We will begin shipping this week. We will ship in the order that allows us to complete fulfillment the fastest. Please DO NOT message or email us asking when we will ship your tops. Every moment Lindsey spends answering those will just be time taken away from shipping. We should have the majority shipped in October and then finish in early November. Thanks!!
Happy Monday to all of you! Hope you have a great weekend. We are going to lock in all orders tomorrow at noon central (CST) 10/4/16. If you need to change your shipping info, this is your last chance to do this. We cannot do this for you.
Here are the instructions on how to change your shipping address:
We will start shipping this Thursday. We will ship in no particular order but in a way that allows up to complete fulfillment the quickest. Please do not message or email us about when your tops will ship as it will just prolong the process. We will have most orders shipped in October and some in early November as promised.
Thanks again for all you support and I cant wait to see pictures of your K2’s!!
Congrats to Bradley Turner for winning the guess the funding contest! Message Lindsey Wissing with your address and we will ship your top today! He was only $191 away!
GAW: Since we hit the 400k mark, it is time to start giving some tops away!! We will do one every week for the next three weeks. The first one is a Twist/Copper/Stainless Steel. Every order was considered an entry. We did a random number drawing and the winner of this top is…:
Mike Sandy!! Congrats!
We will ship this out to you today at the address you supplied on your order. Stay tuned next week for the next giveaway and thanks again for your support!!
I had to make something for myself. I have never done that on any previous top. Here is my personal baby I am going to hang it in my home theater room. I call her “The Randy Domingo”
I am going to engrave a plaque with the name. Immortalized forever!
Good Cause auction: I just found out about this. I dont do this often but this case is special and this person needs help in a big way. Due to the circumstances, I cannot tell you the details. In this case, money is what is needed most and I want to help. 100% of the sale money will go to help this person. I guess you will just have to trust me on this one. Money will come to me and then I will forward it. Paypal only and payment needs to be in today. This will go for 3 hours.
Since you all liked my SS/Mokuti/SS top, I made another. It will come with a COA and will be one of two. Spins great. 5 minute anti-snipe rules, $5 minimum bid.
I appreciate you all and hope we can really help this person out. Trust me I would not do this unless it was a very dire situation.
These are the pics of the exact top you will receive
If anyone wants to donate towards this cause, you can send paypal to me and I will forward it all to them. paypal is Rich@drop-n-stay.com
I have no words to express my emotions of gratitude right now
James Graff 3500
Rich Stadler over
Rich Stadler Congrats James Graff
Rich Stadler You guys, this was insanely awesome and literally made my week/year. Unreal. This will help beyond measure, not just financially in this situation but what a mental boost knowing people care. THANK YOU. Grand total donated will be $4672.19 if my math is correct