Ok all, design is done for the next top. Schedule got messed up due to my sons accident so I apologize. I am making this one this weekend. This will be my most complicated design but similar is assembly to the Aperture and Sharknado so if you like those, you will like this one. Doing some small stuff I have not done before and this will be a fresh look. This is NOT the order thread but I wanted to give you a heads up. Three pieces, 1.23″ diameter and I am waiting on some material so I am not 100% on which materials will be available. Price will be $150 plus standard shipping prices. 1/8″ ceramic ball. I “should” have the first part off early afternoon on Friday and will post up the order thread with the pic of the first top.
I did not want to run tops consecutive weeks like this but had no choice. I will do another 2 week payment plan and if you have not paid me yet for last weeks, you can still order this one with the two week payment window! I understand how it goes. Have a great Thanksgiving and I will talk to you Friday!
I am really pumped and I added a design element that I am REALLY excited about. It is a small detail but should really make it pop!
Spin time was NOT my focus here. Just crazy amounts of machining and looking cool spinning and sitting still! I have to run 4 machines to make this one. Going to be a lot of work and I hope you all like it!
One more thing, if you like stemless this will be one to keep an eye on.
one last detail, I know I do not have a lot of material so I will not be able to make anywhere near the quantity of last weeks design. I will have a better idea on Friday.
stem and inner collar done, 2 more set-ups to go! Hopefully a picture and order thread coming in 4-6 hours
Well third op all set-up, now for the last one. The od is done and looks….. 😉
How’s that?
just wait… 😀
still tweaking. Should be another hour!
Please read entire post before responding!
Orders are on hold as of 9pm central time. Everyone who ordered before this point will get what they ordered but I make no promises from here. If you do post in after now please hold off on payment until you hear from me.
OFFICIAL ORDER THREAD: Please read this entire post before commenting. This will be a three piece top with a 1/8″ ceramic ball. Your material choices are:
Collar-Stainless Steel, Copper or Bronze
Inner Disc- Stainless Steel, Copper or Bronze
Stem- Stainless Steel, Copper or BRASS
Price- $150 plus $5 domestic and $10 international shipping. (Shipping is $5 and $10 total no matter how many you order)
I will be making these today and tomorrow and will for sure take orders until noon tomorrow. Feel free to order as many as you like.
For those that want to order one please follow these instructions:
1) reply with “in” as well as material combinations for Collar, inner disc and stem
2) Pay total to rich@drop-n-stay.com (paypal)
3) Message me with the address you want it shipped to!
4) If your name is not connected with your Paypal, be sure to put your name in the notes on the transaction so I know who it is!
PLEASE try to not change your mind on material combinations. This is more of a problem than you know.
Due to the holidays and the economy, I will give a two week payment window. As always, the tops will ship Monday even if you need the two weeks to pay. I trust you all!
Please keep this to an order thread only. I will post a spin video thread where you can make other comments. It just makes things much easier to keep track of!
Sorry for the long post, have a great day and let the madness begin!!
My latest creation
Spin vid for the newest one. If you want one, see order thread!
there is a hole in it and the 6 holes intersect!
This one will spin very similar time to the Aperture.
I will be making a stemless version of this IF I have time. Lot of new people in the group and a lot of orders already. I will do my best!
I am trying to get all the orders done right now, running slow. I am not sure I will even have time to make any stemless at this point
I am going to have to put a hold on this one until later tomorrow. Everyone that ordered will get what they ordered but I make no promises after this point. Thanks for the overwhelming support of this one!!
I will do my best for you all. I will keep you posted. Will know more by noon tomorrow
Got a slight wobbler. $100 shipped. 1st one to claim it gets it
Brass stem
Br/Cu/brass. Yummmmmmm
No stemless all. Sorry. I tried but I still have a ways to go to get caught up. Just not enough time
Last but not least cu/SS/cu
Flutter sale. First come first serve. These are between a flutter and wobble. $100 shipped
Only making a few more. I am shot. All the orders I committed to are done. If you haven’t heard from me in the next hour I apologize but you are not getting one. All that will be left are the wobblers 😀
lol, crazy hours when I do them so I try to give me a week rest in between runs. Two more weeks and I do it all again with the Tungsten!
All done! WOW I am exhausted. THANK YOU for your overwhelming support! I am very humbled. Everyone that got their addresses back to us will have their top shipped on Monday. This was my biggest run to date! I will be making the tungsten tops in 2 weeks! Have a great night and thanks again! -Rich-