Photo Contest WINNER! This was very difficult as you all posted some amazing pics. THANK YOU for making this contest so fun. Due to an unforeseen circumstance I have to pick one winner but also give a consolation prize to a guy that captured my sense of humor with one of his pics. So the winner of the main prize (A free stemmed and stemless of my next design is.
Quoc T Ho for this amazing pic.
Now the winner of the consolation prize for making me laugh for a week straight! Matt Blackie! He spun a top on his cat…his CAT!! I am still laughing. Matt gets to pick a person to receive a stemmed or stemless top of my next design. Someone that is just starting out in the hobby or someone who normally would not be able to buy one.
Thanks again for participating. Here are the winning pics!!
There were three that were REALLY close. It came down to the raw number of mine you had and how they were presented but it was close!!