January 2018 News

I am not sure if I ever shared this but this was an invention I came up with in 2007. It did well but just took too much time with my day job so I stopped makig it in 2010


Sue Stadler Trying to figure out an idea for another BilletSPIN get-together. Sooooo…sell me on your area and give me some good ideas.


Just a reminder for those that struggle keeping up with the pertinent BilletSPIN information, we have a business page for just that reason.



Sue Stadler Thanks for driving all the way to Oshkosh, Tim Kowalik! Was a fun time at dinner and really awesome seeing the drone work! Safe trip home. Tell Char it was great to meet her and we will definitely come visit some time soon.


Sue StadlerRich Behrens, hope you like your winning top for the quickest pic!



Lots to discuss! BilletSPIN Live video with Sue and I at 10am central this morning! You got questions? We got answers. We have the schedule for the remaining waves, new products and other exciting news. Join us!

We will be giving away a free Pandora!

LIVE VIDEO QUESTION POST! You got questions, submit them here and I will make sure we cover them!

10 minutes to live vid! Post your questions!

Live vid! Special guests, GAW, new products, Pandora schedule, Q&A and more! (click to watch on FB)


Live Video Follow up:

I would love some feedback on if you would like to see more of these. 1 hour long, planned in advance with a specific itinerary. Special guests, GAW’s, Q&A’s and any BilletSPIN updates. This would give you time to come up with questions. If you don’t like the idea you won’t hurt our feelings so please speak your mind.

If you do like the idea of more of these style live vids, let us know what day and time works best for you and be sure to include your time zone.

Thanks again all and have a great day!

Rich & Sue


Happy Sunday all!

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