Aaron Jordan
The 96!!! This is probably the nicest gift I’ve revived..
Titanium and tungsten, this is the marvelous 18 minute top! From the button of my heart, thank you rich!
Second spin! Rich Stadler‘s 96 top!
Time to break 20 minutes 😉
Quoc T Ho
Who would have thought it would happen like this.
Rich, truly love it. Not only have you offered something different you’ve become a good friend.
Thank you!
Matt McCafferty
Thanks Rich. Snapped a quick pic. Will have more later. The NinetySIX top.
Randy Becker
Talk about a mail call! I am always blown away by the craftsmanship of these tops. Thanks Rich!
Jared Schoenly
Mail call for the 96 and the dual bearing SS. Just enjoying a little time with big papa. Very cool Rich! Thanks!
Rich Stadler
Well I will burst the bubble here about the 96 since the 12 are too kind to. It is a wobbler. Some worse than others but this was a first for me working with these materials. They spin a LONG time but they do wobble. I posted a question a few weeks ago to find out who owned 10 or more of my tops. 12 responded and I made this top for them. I have no more and will not make anymore. I would rather not ever look at tungsten again but I am sure I will down the road 😛
Quoc T Ho
Rich Stadler Now the real question, can one of use make one that can break 25 with a standard spin?